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  •   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


How can I order the components?

Quite simply through our webshop: Type the component name in the search field. If the component is listed in our database, any additional information (quantity, description, etc.) is shown under "Details". On the far right you can click price info. Prices have already been stored for many articles. For articles where this is not yet the case, the button "ONLINE INQUIRY" appears instead of "PRICE INFO". Simply fill in the fields here. We will clarify the prices and delivery times of the respective components for you.
We will send you a non-binding offer free of charge as soon as possible.
Then simply send us your order by e-mail or fax, quoting your address data and your telephone and fax number. We will take charge of the logistics and deal with the complete processing of the order.

Are the offered quantities also available?

As a rule, yes. We request each vendor to update their stock lists as often as possible. Unfortunately, however, prior sales cannot be completely avoided.

Why are no prices shown for some articles?

Prices depend on many factors and therefore often change within a very short period of time. Amongst other things, they are calculated from purchase quantities, exchange rates, demand and/or availability. In order to ensure that you always have the latest information available, we do not clarify the current prices of these components until they are required, i.e. on the date of your inquiry.

I would also like to publish my inventories in ELECTRONICPOOL – What do I have to do?

Simply follow the example of our table in the Component Search section.
Send us your inventories in this format as an Excel or ASCII file.


Please contact us if you need a datasheet.

Minimum order value

So that we can operate economically, your order should have a minimum order value of 25 € for Germany and 50 € for countries outside Germany. As a result, please bundle your order. TIP: Ask your colleagues about their requirements and order several items at the same time. Or use the GES Bundle Service with a discount of up to 50%!

Methods of payment:

Cash payment in advance, COD, PayPal, credit card: MASTERCARD or VISA CARD



  • How to search:

Enter at least 4 characters. Special characters like spaces or dashes can be entered but will be ignored for search results. All matches will be shown.
All components who include your search string are shown. Logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, etc. are not supported. Search is only supported in PART NUMBER.

Click on the button for more information: