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  • We solve your procurement problems!


GES GmbH offers you fast and efficient access via ELECTRONICPOOL to electronic components which have reached their end of life-cycle or are difficult to obtain. You have access to a large number of inventories throughout the world via our database.

We have extensive worldwide contacts to distributors, OEMs, production companies and commercial organizations and can therefore deliver more quickly in most cases than is possible via conventional procurement systems.
Optimize the reaction times of the entire material management process with ELECTRONICPOOL and increase the flexibility of your production chain.
Because faster delivery means faster production and thus earlier shipment. Secure decisive competitive advantages for your company.
Profit from our worldwide connections. Acquire satisfied customers and long-standing business relationships through optimum support.
Deliver to your customers before allocations, long delivery times or ends of product life-cycle announced by the manufacturer become a problem for your company.

We will also be pleased to publish your inventories, thereby making a contribution to turning your stock on hand into cash – needless to say, discretely and anonymously.
Because the "idle capital" you have in stock today can be offered tomorrow to customers from all over the world via our ELECTRONICPOOL database.
We also find customers throughout the world for your excess stocks, especially remnants from package units or from production changes!




  • How to search:

Enter at least 4 characters. Special characters like spaces or dashes can be entered but will be ignored for search results. All matches will be shown.
All components who include your search string are shown. Logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, etc. are not supported. Search is only supported in PART NUMBER.

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