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  • Shipping and Payment


Germany   Benelux   Denmark   Austria   Switzerland   Europe (non-EU)   Worldwide   European Union  


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 6,50 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg incl. packing costs. Your package will be delivered by GLS and is insured up to a value of 750 €.
Cash on Delivery (uninsured) 8,50 €
Consignment up to 1 kg by mail, incl. 4 € COD charges and packing costs. Important! We accept no liability for loss or damage for this mode of shipment (for commercial customers only)
Cash on Delivery (insured) 14,00 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg, incl. 4 € COD charges and packing costs. Your package will be delivered to the stated address by GLS and is insured up to a value of 750 €.
Credit Card 10,00 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg incl. packing costs. Your package will be delivered to the stated address by GLS and is insured up to 750 € value of goods.
PayPal 10,00 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg incl. packing costs. Your package will be delivered to the stated address by GLS and is insured up to 750 € value of goods.


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 8,60 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.
Credit Card 12,10 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg incl. packing costs. Your package will be delivered to the stated address by GLS and is insured up to 750 € value of goods.
PayPal 12,10 €
Consignment up to a max. of 5 kg incl. packing costs. Your package will be delivered to the stated address by GLS and is insured up to 750 € value of goods.


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 9,60 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.
Credit Card 13,10 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.
PayPal 13,10 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 9,70 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.
Credit Card 13,20 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.
PayPal 13,20 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs, insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value.


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 14,50 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs. Your package is shipped via GLS and is insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value. Caution! No d/p on shipment! To reduce customs formalities, we recommend uninsured shipping via mail.
Advance payment 13,00 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. This is usually not subject to clearance charges.
Credit Card 18,00 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs. Your package is shipped via GLS and is insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value. Caution! No d/p on shipment! To reduce customs formalities, we recommend uninsured shipping via mail.
PayPal 18,00 €
Shipment up to 5kg max. incl. packaging costs. Your package is shipped via GLS and is insured for up to 750 € of the invoiced value. Caution! No d/p on shipment! To reduce customs formalities, we recommend uninsured shipping via mail.
Kredikarte 16,50 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. This is usually not subject to clearance charges.
PayPal 16,50 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. This is usually not subject to clearance charges.

Europe (non-EU)

Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 14,50 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!
Credit Card 18,00 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!
PayPal 18,00 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!


Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 24,50 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Caution! The shipment is uninsured.
Advance payment (insured) 24,50 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Incl. insurance costs; we will instantly inform you of the difference for the insurance via e-mail. You can then still decide whether you want to insure the shipment or not. Caution: Some countries do not provide insurance!
Credit Card 28,00 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Caution! The shipment is uninsured.
PayPal 28,00 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Caution! The shipment is uninsured.
Credit Card(insured) 28,00 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Incl. insurance costs; we will instantly inform you of the difference for the insurance via e-mail. You can then still decide whether you want to insure the shipment or not. Caution: Some countries do not provide insurance!
PayPal (insured) 28,00 €
Standard Post Airmail Registered Letter for up to 1kg max. The shipping time depends on the respective country and may take between 3 days and several weeks. Incl. insurance costs; we will instantly inform you of the difference for the insurance via e-mail. You can then still decide whether you want to insure the shipment or not. Caution: Some countries do not provide insurance!

European Union

Payment method Shipping Costs Description
Advance payment 14,50 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!
Credit Card 18,00 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!
PayPal 18,00 €
Uninsured shipping via mail. Shipment is sent as standard letter by registered post for up to 1kg max. incl. packaging costs. Caution! No d/p on shipment!