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  •   GES Data Sheet Service

From January 2006, we will be offering access to data sheets, initially for RF modules and transistors. This offer will be extended to approx. 500,000 data sheets by March 2006. The first 100 applicants have a right to full access free of charge for 6 months and can download up to 10 data sheets every day. In order to take advantage of this free service, please register as an applicant as soon as possible. To do this, please fill in the form below and send it off to us. You will then receive confirmation of your registration by return and confirmation that you can use the GES data sheet service free of charge for six months.

No obligation and free of charge

This registration is absolutely non-binding and does not commit you to any purchase or contract of any kind. After the 6 months of free use have ended, you then decide whether you wish to continue to take advantage of the GES data sheet service or not. You will be advised of the costs for continued use by e-mail in good time, approx. 8 weeks before expiry of your free access – i.e. you do not enter into any risk whatsoever. We also provide full details of the conditions of use and the costs on our website.

First Name*
Last Name*
Phone Number*

Ihr Kommentar falls Sie Anregungen und Wünsche haben

* Obligate fields



  • How to search:

Enter at least 4 characters. Special characters like spaces or dashes can be entered but will be ignored for search results. All matches will be shown.
All components who include your search string are shown. Logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, etc. are not supported. Search is only supported in PART NUMBER.

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